Facebook Live @ Mount Vernon Baptist Francistown 2nd and 4th Sundays
Youtube @ Mount Vernon Baptist Church Glen Allen, VA 1st, 3rd, 5th Sundays
We the MVBC Family are in search of our next pastor. Our Pastoral Selection Committee is receiving resumes via mail or email mtvbfrancistown@aol.com
Mount Vernon Baptist Church
Pastoral Search Committee
4800 Francistown Road Glen Allen, VA 23060

Welcome! I have been blessed to shepherd the Mount Vernon Baptist Church for over 20 years. It has been our goal to reach the lost and teach the saved, while helping to identify and develop spiritual gifts. Our vision is to make 300 disciples for Christ using the pattern found in Jesus' ministry. A close study of Jesus' early ministry reveals he chose men who were invested "they left all", who were involved "spent time and learned, who invited others", Peter and Andrew invited James and John and who inspired others. These characteristics combined with real love produced a group that turned the world upside down for Christ.
Our goal supports that vision by living out our theme "Moving towards excellence with God and Man". This year's focus highlights the importance of making excellent choices which will produce a more excellent life.
The Bible is clear, all that we as believers need has already been provided. It is through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ that is how to lay hold of it. There is no need to be begging God, when you know you already have it by faith.
We invite you to come and experience the love, the presence, and the power of God, as we worship, learn and live out the Abundant Life Jesus taught.
We are a church with purpose and endeavor to experience it through outreach, worship, fellowship, discipleship and Service.
In closing, my prayer is that Mount Vernon will continue to be a source to develop true disciples for Christ, who will impact people beyond the walls of our church. If you are interested in a Bible based ministry moving towards excellence, come and join us. We believe it can change your life.
Pastor James H. Pryor, Jr.