Facebook Live @ Mount Vernon Baptist Francistown 2nd and 4th Sundays
Youtube @ Mount Vernon Baptist Church Glen Allen, VA 1st, 3rd, 5th Sundays

First Church

Second Church

Established 1892
As we mark the One Hundred and thirty first year in our life as a church, we thank God for His Blessings. We are grateful to those who served the Lord through this branch of Zion over the years. We will highlight only a few of the many events in our congregational life.
Our Past
The Mount Vernon Baptist Church had its origin 131 years ago. In 1892 a Sunday school was established, out of this Sunday school, the Mount Vernon Baptist Church evolved. Reverend Calvin Anderson founder and Reverend Jake Lewis as co-founder, who we believe were divinely inspired of God. We are forever grateful to our beloved sister churches – Springfield Baptist Church and Abner Baptist Church who played key roles in the establishing of Mount Vernon Baptist Church. Having a need for a church with facilities and classrooms to teach God’s word, we prayed and sought God’s guidance in this matter. God moved on the family of the late Sister Leanna Thomas to donate the land for our current location. In 1976, Deacon James Hayes, Deaconess Alma Hayes and Deacon Franklin Thomas contacted and transported these heirs to the Coal Pit Community Center, where they signed the deed of transfer. In 1978, after the completion of our new edifice the Mount Vernon Baptist Church Family marched from the old church site located across from Coal Pit School to this present location thanking and praising God all the way for his mighty work. Truly God has blessed and kept MVBC.
Our Present
The Reverend James H. Pryor, Jr was called to lead this congregation in 1999. Under his leadership, two deacons were ordained and installed, and one deaconess was consecrated. March 2009 the dome was demolished. Worship Services were held in our fellowship hall. On December 9, 2009 was our Laying of the Cornerstone ceremony. Our Dedication Service for our new Sanctuary was on Sunday January 24, 2010. It was a high time in the Lord. The Church was filled to capacity for our very first service. We thank God for the Reverend Proctor Beard and the Springfield Baptist Church who allowed God to use them in a powerful way. We have installed all stained glass windows with the help of the Lord. On Sunday December 11, 2011 was the initial sermon and licensure of Brother Eugene C. Tyler. December 2012 we launched our website WWW.MTVBFRANCISTOWN.ORG. On Sunday March 25, 2017 was the initial sermon and licensure of Brother Herman Lewis.
Our Future
We at Mount Vernon are committed to the continued teaching of God's word, reaching lost souls and pressing towards the mark. To God be all the Glory and praise for our past, present, and future. We are determined that we will work until Jesus comes!
Mount Vernon Baptist Church, "Where every member is a minister", seeking to identify their spiritual gift or gifts so that each separate part works as it should; that the whole body grows and builds itself up through love. A holistic ministry working to reach the lost and teach the saved.